36 Decans Of The Zodiac

The zodiac decans are divisions within each zodiac sign that further break down the astrological wheel. Each zodiac sign is divided into three decans, each covering 10 degrees of the 30-degree span of the sign. The term “decan” is derived from the Latin word “decanus,” meaning “ten.”

Each decan is associated with a specific influence and is ruled by a different planet within the same elemental sign. The decans add more nuance to astrological interpretations, allowing for a more detailed and personalized analysis of an individual’s birth chart. 

  1. Aries Decans:
    • First Decan (March 21 – March 30): Ruled by Mars
    • Second Decan (March 31 – April 9): Ruled by Sun
    • Third Decan (April 10 – April 19): Ruled by Jupiter
  2. Taurus Decans:
    • First Decan (April 20 – April 30): Ruled by Venus
    • Second Decan (May 1 – May 10): Ruled by Mercury
    • Third Decan (May 11 – May 20): Ruled by Saturn
  3. Gemini Decans:
    • First Decan (May 21 – May 31): Ruled by Mercury
    • Second Decan (June 1 – June 10): Ruled by Venus
    • Third Decan (June 11 – June 20): Ruled by Uranus
  4. Cancer Decans:
    • First Decan (June 21 – June 30): Ruled by Moon
    • Second Decan (July 1 – July 10): Ruled by Pluto
    • Third Decan (July 11 – July 22): Ruled by Neptune
  5. Leo Decans:
    • First Decan (July 23 – August 1): Ruled by Sun
    • Second Decan (August 2 – August 11): Ruled by Jupiter
    • Third Decan (August 12 – August 22): Ruled by Mars
  6. Virgo Decans:
    • First Decan (August 23 – September 1): Ruled by Mercury
    • Second Decan (September 2 – September 11): Ruled by Saturn
    • Third Decan (September 12 – September 22): Ruled by Venus
  7. Libra Decans:
    • First Decan (September 23 – October 2): Ruled by Venus
    • Second Decan (October 3 – October 12): Ruled by Uranus
    • Third Decan (October 13 – October 22): Ruled by Mercury
  8. Scorpio Decans:
    • First Decan (October 23 – November 1): Ruled by Pluto
    • Second Decan (November 2 – November 11): Ruled by Neptune
    • Third Decan (November 12 – November 21): Ruled by Mars
  9. Sagittarius Decans:
    • First Decan (November 22 – December 1): Ruled by Jupiter
    • Second Decan (December 2 – December 11): Ruled by Mars
    • Third Decan (December 12 – December 21): Ruled by Sun
  10. Capricorn Decans:
    • First Decan (December 22 – December 31): Ruled by Saturn
    • Second Decan (January 1 – January 10): Ruled by Venus
    • Third Decan (January 11 – January 20): Ruled by Mercury
  11. Aquarius Decans:
    • First Decan (January 21 – January 30): Ruled by Uranus
    • Second Decan (January 31 – February 9): Ruled by Mercury
    • Third Decan (February 10 – February 18): Ruled by Venus
  12. Pisces Decans:
    • First Decan (February 19 – February 28): Ruled by Neptune
    • Second Decan (March 1 – March 10): Ruled by Moon
    • Third Decan (March 11 – March 20): Ruled by Pluto

Hieroglyphic Plan, by Hermes, of the Ancient Zodiac ” The inner circle contains the hieroglyph of Hemphta, the triform and pantamorphic deity. In the six concentric bands surrounding the inner circle are (from within outward): (1) the numbers of the zodiacal houses in figures and also in words; (2) the modern names of the houses; (3) the Greek or the Egyptian names of the Egyptian deities assigned to the houses; (4) the complete figures of these deities; (5) the ancient or the modern zodiacal signs, sometimes both; (6) the number of decans or subdivisions of the Houses. “  – Manly Palmer Hall

In traditional Western astrology, the zodiac signs are associated with four elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Each element is linked to three zodiac signs, and each zodiac sign is divided into three decans. Here’s a breakdown of the elements and their corresponding tarot cards for the 36 decans:

  1. Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
    • Aries Decans: Ace of Wands, Two of Wands, Three of Wands
    • Leo Decans: Four of Wands, Five of Wands, Six of Wands
    • Sagittarius Decans: Seven of Wands, Eight of Wands, Nine of Wands
  2. Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
    • Taurus Decans: Ace of Pentacles, Two of Pentacles, Three of Pentacles
    • Virgo Decans: Four of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles, Six of Pentacles
    • Capricorn Decans: Seven of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles
  3. Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
    • Gemini Decans: Ace of Swords, Two of Swords, Three of Swords
    • Libra Decans: Four of Swords, Five of Swords, Six of Swords
    • Aquarius Decans: Seven of Swords, Eight of Swords, Nine of Swords
  4. Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
    • Cancer Decans: Ace of Cups, Two of Cups, Three of Cups
    • Scorpio Decans: Four of Cups, Five of Cups, Six of Cups
    • Pisces Decans: Seven of Cups, Eight of Cups, Nine of Cups

Each of the 36 decans is associated with a specific angelic presence. Interpretations may vary, and different sources may provide different angelic correspondences for the decans. Here are the angelic associations for each decan:

Here is a brief overview of the decans for each zodiac sign and the Angelic ruler of the 12 constellations of the zodiac:

Archangels and Decans with Zodiac Rulers and Colors

Aries (Archangel Ruler: Malkidael – Red)

  1. Zazer
  2. Behahemi
  3. Satonder

Taurus (Archangel Ruler: Asmodel – Red-Orange)

  1. Kadamidi
  2. Minacharai
  3. Yakasaganotz

Gemini (Archangel Ruler: Ambriel – Orange)

  1. Sagarash
  2. Shehadani
  3. Bethon

Cancer (Archangel Ruler: Muriel – Amber)

  1. Mathravash
  2. Rahadetz
  3. Alinkir

Leo (Archangel Ruler: Verchiel – Gold or Yellow)

  1. Losanahar
  2. Zachi
  3. Sahiber

Virgo (Archangel Ruler: Hamaliel – Yellow-Green)

  1. Ananaurah
  2. Rayadyah
  3. Mishpar

Libra (Archangel Ruler: Zuriel – Emerald Green)

  1. Tarasni
  2. Sahnatz
  3. Shachdar

Scorpio (Archangel Ruler: Barchiel – Blue-Green)

  1. Kamotz
  2. Nundohar
  3. Uthrodiel

Sagittarius (Archangel Ruler: Adnachiel – Blue)

  1. Mishrath
  2. Vehrin
  3. Aboha

Capricorn (Archangel Ruler: Hanael – Indigo)

  1. Misnim
  2. Yasysayah
  3. Yesgedibarodiel

Aquarius (Archangel Ruler: Kambriel – Violet)

  1. Saspam
  2. Abdaron
  3. Gerodiel

Pisces (Archangel Ruler: Amnitziel – Crimson)

  1. Bihelami
  2. Avron
  3. Satrip

This is the preliminary step of the developing all the layers of the light/rainbow body which is expanding the consciousness trough all dimensions of reality and reach ‘EMPREVM’, “The Mind of God” and unify the microcosm with the macrocosm within the HABITACVM DEI, “The House Of God”. The last step in our misteries school is total liberation trough decoding the 72 layers of consciousness, which are 72 Angels of the Name.

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