“Through will and balance, the spirit commands the forces of fate.”
The Chariot is a card of determination, focus, and forward movement. When this card appears, it’s a sign that you are in control and ready to drive your life in the direction you choose. It represents a journey—one that requires discipline, confidence, and perseverance to succeed.
In traditional tarot imagery, The Chariot is led by two sphinxes (or horses), one black and one white, symbolizing opposing forces. The Charioteer does not hold physical reins but instead guides the chariot through sheer willpower and inner strength. This reminds us that true success comes from mastering both the external challenges and the internal battles we face.
This card appears when you need to take action, assert control, and confidently pursue your goals. Whether in career, relationships, or personal development, The Chariot tells you: “Stay determined, keep pushing forward, and victory will be yours.”
The Merkaba, meaning “chariot” in Hebrew, is a sacred symbol in Gnostic and Kabbalistic traditions, representing a divine vehicle for spiritual ascension. Seen as a light-body of interlocking tetrahedra, it symbolizes the union of opposites—masculine and feminine, light and dark, earthly and divine. Rooted in Jewish mysticism and later Gnostic thought, it is believed to transport the soul beyond the material world into higher realms of consciousness.
Linked to Ezekiel’s chariot vision, the Merkaba is a mystical tool for awakening, transcendence, and divine union. Through meditation and visualization, practitioners aim to activate spiritual energy, access hidden knowledge, and achieve enlightenment. It serves as a bridge between the human and the cosmic, guiding the seeker toward divine transformation.
If you pull this card, ask yourself:
- Am I fully committed to my goal, or am I letting distractions pull me off course?
- How can I balance logic and emotion to move forward effectively?
- What obstacles do I need to overcome to reach success?
Opposing Cards – When The Chariot’s Energy is Challenged
These cards contrast with The Chariot’s themes of control, determination, and movement:
- The Hanged Man – Letting go, surrender, pausing for insight rather than pushing forward
- The Moon – Confusion, illusions, and uncertainty, which can cloud direction and purpose
- Two of Swords – Indecision, hesitation, and avoiding taking action
- Five of Cups – Focusing on loss and regret instead of moving forward
Reinforcing Cards – When The Chariot’s Energy is Strong
These cards enhance The Chariot’s themes of willpower, success, and drive:
- The Emperor – Discipline, structure, and controlled leadership
- Strength – Inner courage and perseverance, reinforcing the power of self-mastery
- Ace of Wands – A new surge of energy, ambition, and motivation
- Six of Wands – Recognition, public success, and victory
The Chariot is a symbol of ambition, control, and victory. It tells you that success is within reach, but only if you stay focused and determined. This is not a time for doubt—it’s a time for action and forward movement.
The key lesson of The Chariot? You are the driver of your own destiny. Take control, move with confidence, and let nothing stand in your way.
If you pulled The Chariot, where is your life calling you to step up and take charge? 🚀

2024 © All Rights Reserved ∙ sealofpower.com ∙ Adrian B. Constantine is a transpersonal guide, author, qabbalist, taoist alchemist & yogi