During the act of Creation, Flashing Sword or the Lightening Flash represents the primordial descending of light, or Mezla.
After God created the World, the energy started to rise back to its original Source. This is the way of Kundalini ascending back to the Divine realms.
In Judeo-Christian mysticism, particularly within the Qabbalistic tradition, the Flaming Sword typically symbolizes divine power of how everything was manifested in this realm. It is often associated with the concept of the “Cherubim with the Flaming Sword,” which appears in the Book of Genesis in the Bible, guarding the entrance to the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve were expelled.
The Flaming Sword represents the barrier between the material world and the divine realm, signifying the boundary that humanity cannot cross without spiritual transformation or divine permission. It also signifies the power of discernment, separating truth from illusion, and guiding the seeker on the path of spiritual enlightenment.
In some interpretations, the Flaming Sword is seen as a metaphor for the fiery energy of divine wisdom or the unmanifested aspect of God’s power. It serves as a reminder of the awe-inspiring and transformative nature of the divine presence and the necessity for spiritual purity and readiness to approach it.
This sequence is also called ”The Lightening Flash” and marks the essence of Creation.
Its sequence begins with Kether, followed by Chokmah, then Binah, Daath, Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and ending with Malkuth.
In the mystical teachings of Qabalah, it is said that following Michael’s expulsion of Lucifer from the celestial realms, the Flaming Sword was set ablaze, serving as a formidable barrier to prevent Lucifer’s return. Lucifer, often depicted as the “Bearer of the Morning Star”, symbolizes the fire igniting our aspirations for a deeper understanding beyond mere physical existence.

His fall mirrors our own expulsion from the paradisiacal Garden of Eden, casting us as protagonists in this cosmic drama. To reclaim our lost paradise, we must embark on a spiritual journey, ascending the Tree of Life in reverse, retracing the steps of the Flaming Sword’s path. Beginning in the realm of Malkuth, we traverse through the lower Chakras, bridging the divide at Daath to access the ethereal realm of Spirit.
It is through the awakening of the Kundalini energy that the entirety of the Tree of Life is illuminated, including the divine emanations of the Supernals. Yet, the full brilliance of consciousness can only be attained once the lower Spheres, corresponding to the foundational Chakras, have been purified energetically. Thus, the ascent along the reversed Path of the Flaming Sword becomes the sacred quest toward spiritual enlightenment and divine union.
Preparation: Begin by finding a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit or lie down in a relaxed position, ensuring your spine is straight and your body is well-supported. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and clear your mind.
Visualization: Close your eyes and visualize the Tree of Life, a symbolic representation of the universe with ten interconnected spheres or “sephiroth.” Envision the sephiroth arranged in a vertical column, with the topmost sphere representing the divine and the bottommost sphere representing the material world.
Lightning Flash: Focus your attention on the topmost sphere, Kether, which represents divine unity and pure consciousness. Visualize a brilliant flash of lightning descending from Kether down the central pillar of the Tree of Life, known as the Lightning Flash. See it passing through each sephira in turn.
Meditative Journey: As the lightning flash descends, imagine it illuminating and activating each sephira along the path:
PRANAYAMA/MANTRA: passing trough every sphere, inhale and vizualise the sephira shining, exhale and chant the divine name associated for three times.
- Kether (Source/Brilliant white light), Divine name: Eheieh
- Moving downward through Chokmah (Wisdom/Pearl grey), Divine name: Yahweh
- Binah (Understanding/Black), Divine name: Yahweh Elohim
- Chesed (Mercy), Divine name: El
- Geburah (Severity/Red), Divine name: Elohim Gibur
- Tiphareth (Beauty), Divine name: IAO
- Netzach (Victory/Green): Yahwe Tsabaoth
- Hod (Splendor/Orange): Elohim Tsabaoth
- Yesod (Foundation/Violet): Shaddhai El Chai
- Malkuth (Kingdom/Brown): Adonai
Integration: As the lightning flash reaches Malkuth, the sphere representing the material world, imagine the energy of the flash grounding and anchoring within you. Feel the transformative power of the lightning coursing through your entire being, aligning your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects.
Reflection: Take a few moments to reflect on your experience. Notice any sensations, emotions, or insights that arise during the meditation. Allow yourself to fully integrate the experience before slowly returning to your usual state of awareness.
Closure: When you feel ready, gently open your eyes and bring your awareness back to the present moment. Take a few deep breaths to recenter yourself and gradually transition back into your daily activities.
Another powerful method I use and has the same benefits it’s chanting the names of the Archangels associated with every sphere in the same way you did before.
- Kether: Metatron
- Chokmah: Raziel
- Binah: Cassiel
- Chesed : Zadkiel
- Geburah: Kamael
- Tiphareth: Raphael
- Netzach: Haniel
- Hod: Michael
- Yesod: Gabriel
- Malkuth: Sandalphon

2024 © All Rights Reserved ∙ sealofpower.com ∙ Adrian B. Constantine is a transpersonal guide, author, qabbalist, taoist alchemist & yogi