1. O Light whom I have trusted, hear my repentance; and let my voice come into thy dwelling-place. 2. Do not turn thy image of light away from me, but give heed to me. If they oppress me, save me quickly at the time when I cry to thee. 3. For my time has vanished like a breath, and I have become matter. 4. My light has been taken from me, and my power has dried up. I have forgotten my mystery which I performed at first. 5. Through the voice of fear and the power of the self willed, my power has diminished within me. 6. I have become like a peculiar demon, which dwells in matter, in whom is no light. And I have become like a spirit counterpart which is in a material body, in which there is no light-power. 7. And I have become like a decan, which is upon the air alone. 8. The emanations of the self willed have afflicted me greatly; and my partner has spoken of it thus: in place of the light within her, they have filled her with Chaos. 9. I have swallowed the sweat of my matter myself and the anguish of the tears of the matter of my eyes, lest those that oppress me take away these things also. 10. All these things have happened to me, O Light, through thy ordinance and with thy command. And it is thy ordinance that I should be among these things. 11. Thy ordinance has brought me down, and I have come down like a power of the Chaos; and my power has congealed within me. 12. But thou, O Lord, art eternal light; and at all times thou dost seek those who are oppressed. 13. Now at this time, O Light, arise and seek after my power and my soul within me. Thy ordinance is completed, which thou hast ordained for me in my affliction. My time has come, that thou shouldst seek after my power and my soul, and this is the time which thou hast ordained to seek me; 14. For thy saviours have sought after the power which is in my soul, because the number is completed, and that they should save its matter also. 15. And then in that time all the archons of the material aeons will fear before thy light; I and all the emanations of the thirteenth material aeon will fear before the mystery of thy light, that the others may put on themselves what is purified of their light. 16. For the Lord will seek after the power of your souls; he has revealed his mystery. 17. For he will look at the repentance of those who are in the places below; and he has not overlooked their repentance. 18. This is that mystery which has become a type for the race which will be born; and the race which will be born will sing praises to the height. 19. For the light has looked forth from the height of his light. He will look down upon all matter; 20. To hear the groaning of those that are bound; to release the power of the souls whose power is bound. 21. To place his name in the soul, and his mystery in the power’.

2024 © All Rights Reserved ∙ sealofpower.com ∙ Adrian B. Constantine is a transpersonal guide, author, qabbalist, taoist alchemist & yogi