The Ninth Repentance Of Sophia

1. ‘O Light, smite down those who have taken my power away from me; and take the power from those who have taken mine from me.

2. For I am thy power and thy light; come and save me.

3. May a great darkness cover over those that oppress me; say to my power: it is I who will save thee.

4. All those who want to take my light from me completely: may their power fail; those who want to take my light from me completely: may they turn to the Chaos and become powerless.

5. May their power become like dust; and may Jeu, thine angel, smite them down.

6. And if they come to go to the height, may a darkness seize them, so that they stumble and turn to the Chaos; and may thine angel, Jeu, pursue them and send them to the darkness below.

7. For without my having done evil to them, they have ensnared me with a lion-faced power from which their light will be taken; they have oppressed the power within me, which they will not able to take away.

8. Now at this time, O Light, take away what is purified from the lion-faced power, without his knowing; and the thought which the self willed hath thought, to take away my light : take his own away; and let the light of the lionfaced power, which ensnared me, be taken away.

9. My power will flourish in the light and will rejoice because it will save it.

10. And all the parts of my power will say: there is now no saviour except thee; for it is thou who wilt save me from the hands of the lion-faced power which has taken my power from me. And it is thou who savest me from the hands of those who have taken my power and my light from me.

11. For they stood up against me and to1d lies about me. And they say: I know the mystery of the light which is in the height, in which I have believed. And they have compelled me, saying: Tell us the mystery of the light which is in the height, this one which I do not know.

12. And they have repaid me with all these wicked things, because I have believed in the light of the height; and they have made my power to be without light.

13. But when I was compelled, I sat in the darkness, while my soul was humble in sorrow.

14. And, O Light, concerning whom I sing praises to thee, save me; I know that thou wilt save me, because I have done thy will since I was in my aeon. I have done thy will like the invisible ones who are in my place, and like my partner; and I became sorrowful as I looked, seeking for thy light.

15. Now at this time all the emanations of the self willed have surrounded me; and have rejoiced over me, and they have oppressed me greatly, without my knowing; and they have run away, they have left me, and they have not been merciful to me.

16. They turned again and tempted me, and they oppressed me with great oppression; they gnashed their teeth at me, wanting to take away my light from me completely.

17. How long now, O Light, dost thou suffer them, that they oppress me? Save my power from their wicked thoughts, and save me from the lion-faced power, for I alone among the invisible ones am in this place.

18. I will sing praise to thee, O Light, while I am in the midst of all those gathered against me. And I will cry out to thee in the midst of all those that oppress me.

19. Now at this time, O Light, let not those that hate me and want to take away my power from me, rejoice over me; these who hate me, as they move their eyes against me, without my having done anything to them.

20. For indeed they flatter me with sweet words while they seek from me the mysteries of the light which I do not know; speaking to me with cunning against me, and raging against me, because I have believed in the light which is in the height.

21. They have opened their mouths against me; they have said: Yes. We will take away her light

22. Now at this time, O Light, thou hast known their cunning; suffer them not, and let not thy help be far from me.

23. Make haste, O Light, judge me and avenge me.

24. And give judgment to me in thy goodness; now at this time, O Light of Lights, let them not take my light from me.

25. And do not let them say in their hearts: Our power has satisfied itself with her light; and let them not say: We have swallowed her power.

26. But rather let darkness come down upon them; and let those that want to take away my light from me become powerless; and those that say: We will take away her light and her power, let them be covered with Chaos and darkness.

27. Now at this time, save me, that I may rejoice, because I want the thirteenth aeon, the place of righteousness. And I will say at all times : May the light of Jeu, thy angel, give more light.

28. And my tongue will sing praises to thee in thy knowledge, all my time in the thirteenth aeon’
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