You can book a session with me and I can help you achieving a state of mind where you can be freed from anxiety, stress, attachments or to magnetize your aura and attract meaningful situations or people in your life.
- Soul contracts of the 1st Chakra: security, safety, food, poverty, generational trauma, abandoment fears
- Soul contracts of the 2nd Chakra: sexual trauma, unhealthy boundaries, casual and intimate relationships, promiscuity
- Soul contracts 3rd Chakra: low self esteem, lack of inner power, lack of ambition and courage, no discipline, laziness, fear of rejection or feeling like a foul, anxiety caused by the physical appearance, weak character
- Soul contracts 4th Chakra: emotional avoidance, fear of love, fear of commitment, jealousy, fear of loneliness, betrayal, trust issues
- Soul contracts 5th Chakra: unable to take personal decisions, lack of charisma, not knowing your voice, addictions, judgement
- Soul contracts 6th Chakra: fog, clarity issues, uncertainty, feelings of inadeuqacy, ability to see the whole picture
- Soul contracts 7th Chakra: faith, trusting the Life Force, spirituality and devotion
Unbinding: unbinding the karmic strings & deleting the soul contracts that bind you to harmful situations and relationships. (100USD). Details: 45′ Zoom Session.
Raluca –
Unbinding sessions
My name is Raluca.I have been working all kinds of healing therahys,yoga and alchemy with Adrian for few years and it always been magical and powerfull work.The last unbinding session was divine.Before the session I was feeling sad,without energy and after the session I felt relesed ,more optimistic and full of energy.
Adrian is a pure divine channel for Divine energy.The night after the session he received a message from Angel Hakemiah that said to him I should burn hibiscus leaves to burn negative karma and fulfill my wishes.I undetstood that is a devine message from Lord Shiva because I prayed in a hindu temple and I saw the red hibiscus flower on Shivalingham.I feel very greatfull for this divine synvhronicity and for the divine help that I receive in my life.
Thank you,Adrian for doing such wonderfull divine healing work for people!😇❤🙏