Turya: The Fourth State of Consciousness

The word turya comes from the Sanskrit तुरीय (turīya), meaning “the fourth.” It is also known as chaturiya or chaturtha. In Hindu philosophy, turya designates pure consciousness or supraconsciousness. Although it is recognized as the fourth state of human consciousness, it is, in reality, the underlying substrate of the other three states—like the screen on which films are projected in a cinema. The movies (the other states) cannot exist without the screen (turya), which, even though invisible, is always present.

One does not “access” turya—rather, one opens oneself to recognizing it. You experience turya when you are “neither inside nor outside.” It is difficult to express in words because it simultaneously involves and transcends cognition. It is in this state that the Self (Atman) is truly realized.

The Five Veils of Maya (Kañcuka)

One who enters turya—consciously or unconsciously—passes through the five veils of maya (the illusion of reality) that keep the wheel of Samsara (suffering) turning. These veils are associated with the divine energies (śakticakra):

Veil Meaning
Kalā Time
Vidyā Limited knowledge
Rāga Desire
Niyati Causality
Kalā Limitation

These veils influence the following aspects of the human experience:

Component Description
Antahkarana The sensory mind
Ahamkara The ego
Buddhi The intellect
Jñānendriyas (5) Sense organs: nose, tongue, eyes, ears, skin
Karmendriyas (5) Action organs: excretory organ, reproductive organ, legs, hands, mouth
Tanmātras (5) Subtle elements: smell, taste, form, touch, sound

States of Consciousness in Advaita Vedanta

According to Advaita Vedanta, human consciousness moves through three primary states:

State Meaning Body Associated
Jagrat Wakefulness: awareness of the external world Physical body
Svapna Dream state: when the mind runs on autopilot Subtle body
Suṣupti Deep sleep: state of unconsciousness Causal body
Turya Pure awareness beyond all states Beyond bodies

Brainwave Correlation with Consciousness States

Scientifically, turya corresponds to the highest brainwave frequencies, typically measured in advanced Tibetan meditators. While alpha waves are excellent for visualization and theta waves enhance healing abilities, gamma waves—oscillating up to 35 Hz—enter the realm of the extraordinary. Describing this state is challenging because discursive thought lacks the vocabulary to encapsulate it.

Brainwave Band Oscillations State of Consciousness
Gamma (γ) 35 Hz Turya
Beta (β) 12–35 Hz External attention/anxiety
Alpha (α) 8–12 Hz Relaxation/passivity
Theta (θ) 4–8 Hz Deep relaxation
Delta (δ) 0.5–4 Hz REM sleep

The Mantra AUM and Consciousness Levels

The three conventional levels of consciousness correspond to the sacred syllable AUM (Pranava Mantra):

Syllable Consciousness Level State
A Conscious mind Wakefulness
U Unconscious mind Dreaming
M Subconscious mind Deep sleep
Silence Turya Pure Awareness

The Key to Turya: Nidra Yoga

One of the most effective methods to explore and integrate turya is Nidra Yoga (yogic sleep). The practice involves:

  • Assuming Shavasana (the corpse pose), the most relaxing posture.
  • Consciously entering the dream realm while maintaining awareness.
  • Training the ability to observe the formation of dreams and penetrate subtle realities.
  • Mentally reciting the mantra AUM during Shavasana, allowing its resonance to imprint upon the astral plane.

With consistent practice, you may begin to perceive this echo from an altered state of consciousness.

The Ultimate Practice

To reach turya, one must consider realms of consciousness beyond those ordinarily experienced. This requires letting go of all desires—including the desire for enlightenment (Moksha). Turya is “the fourth” because it transcends the illusion of the first three states.

Mind & Body Condition Consciousness Level
Body and mind awake Conscious mind
Body asleep, mind awake Subconscious mind
Body and mind asleep Unconscious mind

Why Seek Turya?

Very few people ever reach this state, and even fewer can sustain it. Yet, it represents the ultimate training of consciousness—an aspiration for any serious practitioner of Yoga, Shamanism, Taoism, or Christian mysticism.

With love, A.

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