1. ‘Why has the strong power risen among the wicked? 2. Its thought took the light away from me at all times. And like sharp iron they took power from me. 3. I preferred to come down to the Chaos more than to remain in the place of the thirteenth aeon, the place of righteousness. 4. And they wanted to take me by cunning, that they might swallow all my light. 5. Because of this now, the light will take all their light, and also their whole matter will be destroyed. And he will take their light, and he will not let them exist in the thirteenth aeon, their dwelling place, and he will not let their names be in the place of those that will live . 6. And the 24 emanations will see what has happened to thee, O lion-faced power, and they will fear and they will not be disobedient, but they will give what is purified of their light. 7. And they will see thee, and they will rejoice over thee and they will say : Behold an emanation which has not given what is purified of its light, that it might be saved, but it boasts of the magnitude of the light of its power, because it did not emanate the power within it; and it said: I will take away the light of the Pistis Sophia, this which will be taken from her.

2024 © All Rights Reserved ∙ sealofpower.com ∙ Adrian B. Constantine is a transpersonal guide, author, qabbalist, taoist alchemist & yogi