1. I have sung praises to thee, O Light, in the darkness below. 2. Hear my repentance, and may thy light give heed to the voice of my entreaty. 3. O Light, if thou dost remember my sins I shall not be able to come before thee, and thou wilt forsake me. 4. For thou, O Light, art my Saviour on account of the light of thy name. I have believed in thee, O Light. 5. And my power believed in thy mystery. And furthermore, my power trusted in the light, when it was in those of the height, and it (my power) trusted it (the light) when it (my power) was in the Chaos below. 6. May all the powers within me trust the light, when I am in the darkness below, and may they trust it when they come to the place of the height. 7. For it (the light) is merciful to us and saves us, and there is a great mystery of salvation within it. 8. And it will save all the powers from the Chaos on account of my transgression, because I have forsaken my place, I have come down to the Chaos.

2024 © All Rights Reserved ∙ sealofpower.com ∙ Adrian B. Constantine is a transpersonal guide, author, qabbalist, taoist alchemist & yogi