1. I have hoped in thee, O Lord. Let me not be put to shame for ever; save me in thy righteousness. 2. Incline thine ear to me; save me quickly, be to me a protecting God and a house of refuge to save me. 3. For thou art my support and my refuge; for the sake of thy name thou wilt guide me and nourish me. 4. And thou wilt bring me forth from this snare which they have hidden for me, for thou art my protector. 5. I will give up my spirit into thy hands. Thou hast saved me, O Lord, God of truth. 6. Thou hast hated those who idly keep to what is vain. But I have trusted; 7. And I will rejoice over the Lord, and I will be glad over thy mercy; for thou hast looked upon my humbleness, and thou hast saved my soul out of my necessities. 8. Thou hast not shut me in the hands of the enemy; thou hast set my feet in a wide place. 9. Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am afflicted; my eye is troubled with anger; and my soul and my belly. 10. For my years have been spent in distress and my life has been spent in groanings; my power has become weak in poverty, and my bones are troubled. 11. I have become a reproach to all my enemies and my neighbours. I have become a fear to those that know me, and those that saw me ran away from me. 12. I have been forgotten like a corpse in their hearts; and I have become like a broken vessel. 13. I have heard contempt from many at my side who surrounded me; when they gathered together against me, they took counsel to take away my soul from me. 14. But I have trusted thee, O Lord, I have said: thou art my God. 15. My lots are in thy hands; save me from the hand of my enemies, and deliver me from those that persecute me. 16. Reveal thy face over thy servant, and save me in thy mercy, O Lord. 17. Let me not be put to shame, for I have cried to thee; let the impious be put to shame and turned to darkness. 18. Let the cunning lips be dumb, who speak iniquity against the righteous with pride and contempt.

2024 © All Rights Reserved ∙ sealofpower.com ∙ Adrian B. Constantine is a transpersonal guide, author, qabbalist, taoist alchemist & yogi