The Fifth Repentance Of Sophia

l. O Light of my salvation, I sing praise to thee in the place of the height, and again in the Chaos.

2. I will sing praise to thee in my song, with which I have praised thee in the height, and with which I have praised thee when I was in the Chaos; may it reach thee. And give heed, O Light, to my repentance.

3. My power has been filled with darkness; and my light has come down to the Chaos.

4. I have become like the archons of the Chaos which have gone to the darkness below; I have become like a material body, which has no one in the height who will save it.

5. I have become like material things whose power has been taken from them as they were cast into the Chaos, which thou hast not saved; and they have been destroyed by thy ordinance.

6. Now at this time I have been placed in the darkness below, in dark things and in material things which are dead; and there is no power within them.

7. Thou hast brought thy ordinance upon me; with all things which thou hast ordained.

8. And the Spirit has departed and left me; and again, through thy ordinance, the emanations of my aeon have not helped me; and they have hated me and they have ceased towards me, and yet I am not completely destroyed.

9. And my light has diminished within me, and I have cried out to the light with all the light that is in me; and I have stretched out my hands to thee.

10. Now at this time, O Light, wilt thou perhaps fulfil thy ordinance in the Chaos? And will the saviours, perhaps, who came according to thy ordinance, arise in the darkness and come and be disciples to thee?

11. Will they, perhaps, say the mystery of thy name in the Chaos?

12. Or will they not rather say thy name in matter of the Chaos, this in which thou wilt not purify?

13. But I have sing praises to thee, O Light, and my repentance will reach thee in the height.

14. May thy light come down upon me.

15. My light has been taken from me and I am in distress on account of the light, from the time when I was emanated forth. And when I looked to the height to the light, I looked down to the light-power which is in the Chaos; I rose, I came down.

16. Thy ordinance came down upon me, and the fears which thou didst ordain for me, agitated me.

17. And they surrounded me roaring like water, they seized me at once for all my time.

18. And through thy ordinance, thou didst not allow my fellow-emanations to help me; and thou didst not allow my partner to save me from my afflictions.
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